Dia de Folga/Day Off (André Carvalheira, 2006)
One of the most prolific film production companies in the Central-West region of Brazil, 400 FILMES has stood out not only for the sheer volume of work, but also for its loyalty to a principle: to use audiovisual language as a tool for investigating human experience.
400 Filmes has been making its mark in the market since 2002. The artistic and commercial interests of the company coincide with those of its founding members, four filmmakers who broke into the scene in Brasilia in the early 2000s: André Carvalheira (director, scriptwriter, cinematographer), Guilherme Bacalhao (director and scriptwriter), Gustavo Galvão (director, scriptwriter, and producer), and Marcius Barbieri (director, editor and scriptwriter).
Until 2023-2024, after releasing Devil’s Guitar, Bleak Sunday Afternoons and Inventory of Lost Images, the company has made and released nine feature films (seven fiction films, one experimental and one fic-doc) and 15 shorts (including two documentaries). These productions, which were either sponsored by public or federal funds, or produced independently, were screened at the major platforms worldwide (including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and MUBI), TV channels in Brazil and at more than 200 festivals in Brazil and abroad – including important events such as Cinélatino Toulouse (France), Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (BAFICI, Argentina), Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano (Havana, Cuba), Warsaw Film Festival (Poland) and Moscow Film Festival (Russia).
And this history is just beginning, news will come soon!
To see a bit of our work, check out the company's page on Vimeo:
And also our YouTube channel: